Athletics at LCA
Welcome from Lion Athletics!
Competitive athletics are an integral and meaningful part of the LCA experience and contribute in fundamental ways to the life skills development of our students. The LCA athletic programs strive to teach honor, integrity, respect, sportsmanship, compassion, hard work, and fair play. The program features a variety of teams for students in the 4th through 11th grades. Junior Varsity teams compete for district, and state championships awarded by the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship (TCAF). Junior high teams compete for district and regional championships in Christian School’s Athletic Fellowship (CSAF).

Jon Gottschall, Athletic Director
- Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect (Christ-like behavior).
- Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during, and after games.
- Show respect for authority to all officials, whether or not they agree with a call.
- Respect the privilege of using playing facilities by cleaning up benches, locker rooms, stands, and grounds after a practice or game.
- Show up for practice on time, with proper equipment and ready to play.
- Make reasonable efforts in advance to be excused from any scheduled practices or games if a conflict occurs.
- Communicate to the coach ahead of time when they will miss a practice or game.
- Dress in a manner that could not be considered offensive or morally suggestive at all team events.
- Tell the coach of their concerns or problems instead of talking to others about them.
- Be responsible for their own behavior and also the behavior of their team members, their parents, and fans.
- Lead by example in being respectful of other players, coaches, fans, and officials at all times.
- Provide a sports environment for their team that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and abusive language at all team events.
- Place the emotional and physical well-being of their players ahead of a personal desire or external pressure to win.
- Never publicly demean an official, opposing coach, or parent.
- Ensure that their players are supervised by a coach or another designated adult and never allow their players to be left unattended or unsupervised at a game or practice.
- Never knowingly permit an injured player to play or return to the game.
- Take reasonable steps to see that all equipment used by their players is safe and conforms to standards.
- Take the initiative in resolving any known or suspected conflict relating to a player or family.
- Accept positive and negative feedback graciously.
- Communicate expectations—including these team expectations—clearly to players and parents.
- Trust the coach to coach the team.
- Volunteer to help with team needs whenever possible.
- Let the officials call the game, remembering that they too are only human and that rarely is the outcome of a game determined by a “bad call.
- Demonstrate exemplary sportsmanship at games by using only positive cheers and never laughing at errors or jeering an opponent.
- Advocate for a sports environment that is free of abusive language.
- Assist their athletes in showing up to practice and games on time, with proper equipment, and ready to play.
- Direct their athletes to communicate to the coach in advance any anticipated missed practices or games.
- Speak to the coach privately (and not to others) about any issues concerning any aspect of their family or athlete’s participation on the team.
- Be familiar with the team Rules of Eligibility and notify the coach of any reason their athlete might not qualify to play with the team.
- Fill out the necessary forms and paperwork to begin the season or tournaments.
- In order to keep our teams competitive, players are expected to earn playing time through their practice performance. If a player’s practice performance is not at the expected level, there is a chance that the player will not receive playing time during the game. Equal amounts of playing time at a competitive level are not guaranteed. Coaches will not discuss playing time issues with parents or guardians during or after an athletics game. If you would like to discuss playing time issues, you must set an appointment with the coach or the athletic director to discuss what your player needs to work on. Violation of this rule could lead to your player being dismissed from the team.
Elementary (K - 6)
- Basketball (G&B)
- Cheerleading (G&B)
- Cross Country (G&B)
- Soccer (G&B)
- Tennis (G&B)
- Track (G&B)
- Basketball (G&B)
- Cheerleading (G&B)
- Cross Country (G&B)
- Soccer (G&B)
- Tennis (G&B)
- Track (G&B)
- Volleyball (G)